Monday 14 November 2016

Blog #3

Image result for the revenant art In the section of The Revenant ("Ten" pp.98-149) Glass has many encounters on his way to Fort Brazeau. (pp.117) Glass scavenges the burnt remains of an arikara village and finds an old blind arikara women with her dog. Glass cares for the blind women for one night, then she dies in the morning while in her sleep. Glass gives her soul to the creator by doing the traditional funeral. While in the middle of the funeral, 4 Sioux Indians approach Glass, and examines him. The 4 Sioux Indians decide to take Glass to their Village to visit their medicine man. 3 days later they lend Glass a pinto and they escorted him to Fort Brazeau. When he arrived at Fort Brazeau he was greeted by Kiowa Brazeau. Glass needed a ride up river to Fort Union so Kiowa found Antoine Langevin who came from up river with is brigade. But there is still one more thing that Glass has to do before he can get his revenge on the 2 men who left him to die. If Glass wants a ride he first needs to help Kiowa make peace with the arikara who had made camp on Kiowa's trading route. Glass leaves the next morning on the boat up river.

Wednesday 2 November 2016

Blog #2

                                                                        Blog #2

Image result for the revenant In the second section of the novel, Hugh Glass is against many conflicts, and struggles to survive the harsh environment, but he still manages to make it to tomorrow. Glass has many problems when he first comes conscious. Such as, watching his escorts steal all his stuff “Fitzgerald stooped to pick up Glasses possibles bag.(61) then left him behind. Later after Glass was abandoned he finds himself face to face with a rattlesnake “Glass took another long look at the rattlesnake, still lying torpid in the all-consuming state of digesting its prey.”(81). He then kills the rattlesnake with a fist-sized rock by hitting its head multiple times, he then skins the rattlesnake with only a razor that was left in has possibles bag. “He gnawed on the springy meat, though his teeth did little to break it down.”(82). Glass fights struggles every day to find food, eating anything he can find from roots to rotting buffalo. The only thing that is keeping glass from giving up is, to find his betrayers and getting revenge. The 19th century is interesting when it comes to surviving the outdoors. The settlers only obtained food from farming and hunting that required certain skills. Meat came from various big game and small game, usually from buffalo and squirrels. The settlers also grew a variety of vegetables in their farms. The settlers had quite of techniques to store their food. They prickled their vegetables ,and salted and dried their meat after they killed the animal to help their supply of food last long through the winter. 19th century required everyone to co-operate or else they won’t be able to survive.

Thursday 6 October 2016

Blog #1

Image result for the revenant book cover
Blog #1

            In the book "The Revenant" life is pretty different and some-what similar from the way they had to survive compared to how we survive now. Traveling in the 1800s wasn’t so pleasant compared to today. “…We only make up ten miles a day…”(49) we have cars so it takes us less than ten minutes to travel that far. Medical care is pretty rough too. They only have bandages and tree sap instead if we ever get injured in the woods we can get air lifted to a hospital and seek a lot better care there. Our firearms have come a long way also. While they can only shoot once and then have to go through so much steps just to load another bullet. We can shoot more than once and have a less painful short reloading process. Clothing is different too because, they use only hide while we use cotton, hide, other things. Life is not so different too, like we both hunt the same. We both track the same but, tracking might be a little more difficult today due to lower population of forests and wild life. Also we both do are field dressing and butchering the same.

Obviously life was a lot more difficult back then, and life is only going to get easier.